Collaboration Beer In Aid Of Pancreatic Cancer Action

Today Grace and Duncan went to Tom’s Tap and Brewhouse in Crewe to brew a collaboration beer in aid of Pancreatic Cancer Action.

The beer, called Wiff Waff has been brewed in memory of Robert Pursall, who’s vision of an outdoor table tennis table in Cae Glas Park recently became reality.

Robert didn’t get to see the table before he was beaten by his battle with Pancreatic Cancer. Ten Pounds from every cask sold will go to Pancreatic Cancer Action, any bars in the North West and on Tom’s Tap’s delivery routes, get in touch with Sean to grab a cask as all casks will be on presale only.

The beer is the sort of beer Robert would have drunk, a West Coast hoppy pale, with a target ABV in the 4.2% to 4.5% range using Strata, Galaxy, Ahtenum and Simcoe hops.

The beer is one of two collaborations we are doing which will be launched concurrently in The Bailey Head and at the Shrewsbury CAMRA Beer Festival on 25 September and one of six collaborations we have planned for the next few months.


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