Heads and Tales: Emma


Name – Emma “The token Craft Beer Lesbian” Clarke

Job Title – 
By day: Fuel Goddess.
Behind the bar: Professional bra undoer and dog treat provider. Sometime I pour beer 🤷‍♀️

How long have you worked at the BH? – 1 year! Scouted by Duncan Easter weekend 2019.

Favourite song or piece of music? – That depends…Spice Girls ‘Stop’ is my ultimate favourite however if Grace is around it has to be Missy Elliot ‘Work It’…and boy does she!!

What do you do for fun when not working? – My friends and my family are my everything, so I spend as much time as I can with them.

Rich Tea or Digestive? – (Dark chocolate) Digestive

Best or Funniest Bailey Head Memory or Story – I don’t know that I can pick just one…always a tonne of smiles. Perhaps when Grace rocked up Bailey Street with a towel around her head and sunglasses on…at 10.30pm.

Pineapple on Pizza (yes or no) – Yes please 👏

How do you take your coffee?  – Depends on my state of mind…sometimes milk and sugar, sometimes black and no sugar, sometimes espresso…mainly in an espresso martini if I’m honest…

Hardest or most difficult shift at BH? – Probably shouldn’t admit it but here goes…
I worked an extra day at my full time job on a Saturday…alarm went off at 4am. I worked the full day, got home and then went straight on a night out (at the BH and then to a friends house) I stayed up allllll night. The following day I started work at the BH at 11am, working a 7 hour shift. I fell over in the kitchen and almost fell asleep on Steve’s shoulder. 🤦‍♀️ It was not my proudest moment. Although actually, at the age of 31 I was VERY proud that I still had it in me 😂

Things you are most likely to be heard saying? – 
I wish I didn’t have to fucking drive! I want a beer.
Duncan, when is this sour going on?!
Duncan, when is this stout going on?!

Favourite Beer or beer style? – I love trying all sorts however I’m a sucker for an imperial stout. A particular favourite of mine was Neon Raptor’s Centaur Army. Incredible beer.

Favourite Cocktail? – Espresso martini 🤤

If you could make one law what would it be? –  That anyone who approaches the bar must know what they’re ordering. And must stay at the bar during the pouring of their drinks…🤦‍♀️

Who’s best, Grace or Duncan? – Neither. Both arseholes.

What are you looking forward to most after lockdown ends? – The BH has been a really integral part of my time in Oswestry. Every friend I have made I have made through here. I cannot wait to be able to walk in after a long, hard day and have a couple of beers with my BH family. Genuinely. Missing each and every one of them.

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